Call to Order

Approve April’s minutes

Approve Treasurer’s Report copies of AUD report

Kawana’s Report 2021 vouchers for vault

Summer Reading Program- Ocean of Possibilities

2 previous handouts – “Camp Ocean” and “Take a Tromp Thru The Swamp” (Kawana previously handed out information about these)

Old Business

Food Truck Fridays – will we adjust the library hours through September ? Friday hours 5-8 PM with no Saturday hours

No food trucks or bands in front of the library If we decide to do this Krista needs to be aware of this

Eisner Graphic Novel Grant – who will head up the application everyone should have a copy of this

Accessible Small and Rural Communities grant availability –

push bar for entrance into the library ?

New Business

Pat, Joyce, Sarah – interested in sexual harassment training ? We can do it together in the library one day. A coordinator from Warren County will come up to show the video.

Next Meeting June 20th

Motion to adjourn